About Us
We created The Self-Healing Haven with a vision to provide accessible courses for people to dive deeper into their healing journeys.
We have learned a number of very effective tools and powerful information to help people heal throughout our years as a Naturopath, former-Psychotherapist and spiritual beings.
Our vision is to share this information with as many people as possible, to create a ripple effect of enlightenment, positive-energy, and growth.
We are so happy to have you here, so welcome.
With Love,
~ Jas and Hannah

Jas Maylin
EFT practitioner, Human Design Specialist, Former Psychotherapist and Co-Creator of The SHH
As a former psychotherapist, I saw many different ways in which we as humans can become disconnected to our true self. It’s natural to make meaning and give stories to what we have experienced in life but sometimes that means we become very hard on ourselves. We internalize the messages from others and we cling to beliefs about who we are as though they are truth.
Many times in my sessions with clients, time is spent re-discover who we are again and ways to shift unhelpful thinking and behavioural patterns we have adopted along the way in order to cope. Turns out, blaming and shaming ourselves into change is never sustainable!
So many of us have the right intentions to get better and my expertise is helping clients understand the role our subconscious mind has on us when it comes to making the changes we say we want. Those stories and messages we have internalized because of our experiences really do run 90% of our behaviours.
In these courses, I will teach you how to use EFT tapping, which has been shown to be effective in treating many different issues such as chronic pain, depression, anxiety, food cravings and much more! You can expect to see this in the course along with other great teachings and practices to help guide you on your healing journey.
For more information on Jas' book, planner, podcast events and offerings go to:
Hannah Lafayette-Brooks
Naturopathic Doctor, Guide for Self-Love and Presence & Co-Creator of The SHH
In practice, I have had the honour and privilege of witnessing so many beautiful healing journeys. With each one I feel that I learn something valuable that could benefit so many other people in this world and made an internal promise to share that knowledge with a wider audience. This is that promise brought into being.
As a Naturopath, I know that my care is not accessible to everyone and it is especially rare for it to feel like people have access to the level or amount of care they would benefit from the most. With time, I began to realize that patients weren't healing as effectively or in the ways I expected them to when we only addressed things on a physical level. We are complex beings and it became more and more obvious that our ailments are equally as complex. When we began to address concerns on a mind-body-spirit level was when the magic really started to happen. The speed and degree of healing I was witnessing people creating within themselves was remarkable and much of it had similarity and overlap between different people. Every single time, one thing remained true. It was all them. Many gave me the credit, but each and every time I saw these beings overcoming things they previously thought would unimaginable and becoming whole again. Each and every time, they were the ones doing it for themselves, but couldn't see that it was them who had created this magic. For this reason, we call this place the Self-Healing Haven. To bring awareness to each and every person's ability to heal themselves and empower people to feel capable of the change required to do it.
Our courses are meant to be possible for anyone to complete, they are meant to be attainable and accessible to all that are ready for it. At the same time, these courses are meant to take you deeper into healing and to be life changing. To allow you to feel the peace, freedom, love and joy you yearn for and deserve. We hope you find what you are looking for and need here.
Happy Healing <3
For More Information About Hannah, her clinic and the services she offers, check out www.renewedhealthwellness.com

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